YOU don’t see the point of high fashion brands. It’s all just clothes, right?
YOU are stumped as to why we’d need a sales point for Armani in Malta. Italy is like, ten minutes away!
YOUR stomach turns at the mere idea of customers asking you endless questions about some specialised luxury product. Just log on to Wikipedia and leave me alone!
YOU spend most of your spare time on mobile phone games, so tilting your head up to look up at a person’s face when they ask you a question is a chore you’d rather opt out of.
YOU don’t quite understand what’s so bad about high-fashion knock-offs at local flea markets. We’re all allowed to dream, and some of us should be allowed to do so on an (illicit) budget.
YOU look forward to the day the robots take over as sales assistants, so that you can be spared from even applying for the post in the first place.